Dinosaurs Love Underpants, published by Simon
and Schuster, a book for kids is written to entertain and to make your
child and you both laugh. Without doubt it will make you
laugh and for sure will become a bedtime favorite story for your two year
The book is written by Claire Freedman and illustrated by
Ben Cort who both have a crazy creativity and imagination. It is this kind of
imagination that helps children fall in love with books. This is what helps to
make children avid readers for the rest of their lives.
The second time I read this book for kids, I noticed the
sense of humor coming through in the words, which I had missed in my first
read of the book. The dinosaurs have very expressive faces and
who sometimes look fearsome. Their faces tell you exactly if the
dinosaur is winning or losing in the grand battle.
Tomorrow morning, when I put on my underpants I am
certainly going to think of them differently, before I go
off to check out children’s books online.